The Friday Class

Posts Tagged ‘mobile

Ø  When you get the information that you will be going for an outing, inquire the place to be visited and take out appropriate clothes. Ask your parents if your choice is right.

Ø  Make a ‘Take Along’ corner in your room where you keep the things you need to carry with you when you go out. (A book, gift, mobile, MP3 player, sunscreen or sports stuff)

Ø  Help your younger brothers and sisters to dress up.

Ø  Check if the electrical appliances (iron, computer, mobile charger, lights and lamps) have been switched off. If you are too young to switch them off yourself, alert an adult.

Ø  Remind your parents to check the stove. All knobs turned off.

Ø  It is important to look at the mirror before you depart. Your hair, dress and your attitude should be in place.

Ø  You room should be tidy. The dirty clothes should go in the laundry, the cupboard door should be closed and the toys in place.

Ø  Showcase your wisdom by carrying a bottle of water with you. It keeps you hydrated in the hot sun.

Ø  Make sure your parents have locked the main door behind them.

Ø  If you are going alone, inform your parents and tell the approximate time of return.

Ø  When you go out you represent your country, religion, family and parents. Be responsible!

ü  Avoid thinking reasons that might have caused the delay – they tend to upset you.

ü  Spend some time with your mobile; change display settings, update your to-do list or scroll through the image gallery.

ü  Set reminders for unfinished tasks and upcoming events.

ü  Hum a song or look around for something to read – magazines, newspapers, notice boards, road signs or emergency instructions.

ü  Stop yourself from making endless calls to the person whom you are waiting for.

ü  Appreciate beautiful things that are in your surroundings.

ü  Plan activities for the rest of the day – organize your plan of action.

ü  If the person is a usual latecomer, avoid thinking about previous instances when you had to wait for him/her – this will spoil your mood and upset you.

ü  Make calls to friends or relatives whom you always wanted to talk to but did not find time to do so – this will help you to stay in touch with old friends.

ü  Think of pleasant and innovative ways to greet the person.